12-20-2024, 08:20 PM
IDEA: for RP only, beepsky & securitrons stun batons are slightly weakened.
WHAT: beepsky & securitrons require a additional hit than it is now to fully stun & down someone.
WHY: makes beepskys & their ilk less antithetical to rp while retaining their function. if you are neck deep typing, you get a precious extra second to close your say window & hit the bricks.
EXAMPLE: you are antag after spending the full 90 minutes concocting & executing your plan. you are embroiled in that juicy villian rp 10000 quadrillion characters in the say window when SUDDENLY a tin can waltzing in from the door two feet over zaps you upside the head. rp dead & disrupted. everyone feels bummed out.
WHAT: beepsky & securitrons require a additional hit than it is now to fully stun & down someone.
WHY: makes beepskys & their ilk less antithetical to rp while retaining their function. if you are neck deep typing, you get a precious extra second to close your say window & hit the bricks.
EXAMPLE: you are antag after spending the full 90 minutes concocting & executing your plan. you are embroiled in that juicy villian rp 10000 quadrillion characters in the say window when SUDDENLY a tin can waltzing in from the door two feet over zaps you upside the head. rp dead & disrupted. everyone feels bummed out.