12-18-2024, 02:48 AM
(12-17-2024, 04:27 PM)Kateaclysm Wrote: It's already been said, but the detective's main strength should be it's forensic abilities. I'm not suggesting we get rid of forensic scanners from officers or anything... But make the detective much, MUCH better at it than any security officer - or even the HoS - could be.
- Silent application tracking implants that give live updates on a person's whereabouts on-station.
- Beakers of an invisible solution you can apply to an item that melts the tips of gloves and gives away fingerprints without removing gloves.
- Deployable, tiny security cameras that can be placed in inconspicuous areas, viewable similar to the camera helmets.
- Perhaps a passive with detective training that tells the player what gun is being fired, if you hear the gunshots?
1: The detective is ALREADY better at investigation then the HoS is.
Their scanner has range on it, can do print-outs and "used to" be the only scanner that could find who's prints belongs to who.
But there is one item that makes them better then any security officer for investigations. It's not the hat... while the hat is a good tool to asses a situation. It's not THE tool.
It's the underrated but overpowered Det-net VR goggles. I still do not know how sometimes me as a clown gets acces to this stuff.
Because the Det-nets litterly allows the detective to check records on any location without using a PDA. Has the filing cabinet wich is just 10 times better then the PDA / SecMate. Can acces all camera from it and has full radio control from it.
Let's go over these suggestions:
- Silent application: It's called the spy stickers. I do not think tracking implants is something the det should have since it also buffs det antagonists... we do not need that.
- Melting gloves: DISAGREE. I see no point in it since someone with gloves on leaves a glove print. Also what application does this have? "They wore gloves during the murder.." Melts gloves for finger prints. "Well it doesn't match the glove print"
- Mini camera: Gadget Hat. But I am thinking you want them to be near invisible and this one... yea I am actually fine with this one. As long as they don't work if a signal jammer is going up. I do not mind this idea in the slightest.
- Passive: You can sorta already tell if you are an expirenced player what kinda gun is being used. Most guns have very distinct sounds or have the same sound but pitched differently. Though a "text" confirm is fine.