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The Hall Monitor: Gimmick job Discussion
Been meaning to give feedback on this for a while. While I generally like the idea, I can't say I've had the best experiences or observed good practices with the role on RP. Sure I'll occasionally have a nice interaction with a hall monitor, but even then it usually turns into someone with technically zero actual authority defaulting to being abrasive and trying to assert power over something inconsequential.

More often than not though I see the role being played as just another member of security, using their access (on the same level as an actual Security Assistant) to grab any gear they can. Sometimes it's a newbee enticed by the red security role that doesn't have a rounds played requirement who might not know better, but most of the time I'll end up seeing regular security players treating it as being just another security officer/assistant, but with the bonus of not having any responsibility (or expected uniform, minor issue but still) until they hear about a crimer. I've had a fairly disheartening round joining up as security assistant, wondering who these people with civilian icons were on our comms, only for them to proudly declare they were here to do everything a security assistant usually does. This also fairly often resulted in compounding the usual issue of too many cooks in the kitchen where the entire security team responds to a single thing and stands around waiting to escalate, since now there's 1-2 more "security" there. Conversely I've seen plenty of friction between security and hall monitors as the unseen boundaries for how much an actual part of security the hall monitor can be varies and depends entirely on the security players. Anecdotal but I imagine it can be pretty frustrating to be forcibly demoted for overstepping when just another round security was all too happy to give the hall monitor the run of the armory.

The recent pull request of removing their ability to talk on the security channel but still listen to it is great, but I honestly think it should go a bit further and the role should be entirely disconnected from security. The nearly complete security access is too much (it will take very little for them to keep gearing up and even acquiring a proper security headset), and listening to security comms is still going to result in the role being played as just another security officer/assistant.

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RE: The Hall Monitor: Gimmick job Discussion - by Isane - 12-11-2024, 04:23 PM

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