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Comeback Mechanic For Traitor/Spy
Alright so, playing as traitor… as of now you’re defined by your items and PDA. If you didn’t have those the role would literally be the same as Sleeper. This is why players who are playing Traitor are usually WAY more careful than most other antagonists because unlike those (Except maybe Wizard) Their power is very dependent on gear.

What I’m trying to get at is when you are playing Traitor/Spy and your gear get taken by a security guard Fairly/Unfairly Early into a round it really sucks, especially if your PDA is taken. If you want any chance of getting your gear back your at the whims of what distractions the other Antagonists are creating/How Robust you are.

For this reason I purpose a comeback mechanic into Traitor/Spy, to allow them to still have their special ability of ya’know items.

*After 5 Minutes of Your PDA/Uplink not being in your inventory you get a notification similar to that of a sleeper agent alerting you of a dead drop containing a Syndicate PDA card/Uplink that you can insert into a PDA or Headset to allow yourself another chance.

*Having this New PDA keeps your Original TC you left over and allows you to recall ONE of your traitor items as Traitor. Spy would allow you exact pinpoint of something you could steal or we could just reuse the traitor recall.

I think this change would allow newer players to take more risks and alleviate the danger of a meta gaming security officer in game. I think this change would be an awesome change to not make Traitor so brutally Devastating when caught within the start of a round.

If you have any ideas you’d want to recommend, or want to spread some criticism please comment what you’re thinking.

Big Thanks to Cal for recommending me to post this idea. space bear

Messages In This Thread
Comeback Mechanic For Traitor/Spy - by Rukert - 12-10-2024, 10:19 AM
RE: Comeback Mechanic For Traitor/Spy - by ju45he - 12-10-2024, 11:37 AM
RE: Comeback Mechanic For Traitor/Spy - by Kotlol - 12-11-2024, 04:27 AM

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