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Changes to deafness and blindness traits
1. You can put a headset in your pocket and use as JORJ illustrated to stay active on radio
2. Deaf doesn't delete your department headset; congrats you now have an additional loose item to take care of and make sure it doesn't end up in the wrong place
3. Deaf and blind are fine as is
  • 3a. Sec radio compromised? Congrats, the secoff using PDA the whole time anyways now has advantage AND the ability to micromanage the system and coordinate the team there. Cool.
  • 3b. Deaf used to be stronger and you just took off your headset to fight shamblers and vampires and not get sonic stunned. It's fine how it is now and has come a ways to a good place. (to one of lefinch's points, yes there were GAMERS who took it for flashbang immunity in exchange for +2 trait points)

edit: "fine as is" with the caveat of what lefinch suggested, if we really thought it wasn't worth +1 trait points, I'd be fine with them both being cosmetic 0 point things; i used to harp hard on it being a significant disadvantage worth the points but idc really now, i just don't want people to look at them and go "oh this is so NEGATIVE, it's SO BAD it even GIVES you trait points, we should do something to mitigate this in the gameplay for the people who take it".

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RE: Changes to deafness and blindness traits - by mona - 12-10-2024, 09:30 AM

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