Flora Flores' HoS Application
I think Flora's a shoe-in for the role. The vast majority of the time I see her on the security team, she demonstrates a very clear and level head. I cannot recall Flora ever lashing out against others, nor can I recall her being unfair towards antagonists. I've seen her take leadership during times of need and train new recruits spectacularly. She demonstrates a very solid understanding of the role, especially great communication.

I would love to see Flora as an HoS, she has the most amount of support I can give. +1

Messages In This Thread
Flora Flores' HoS Application - by Pixie - 12-08-2024, 12:59 PM
RE: Flora Flores' HoS Application - by Telareti - 12-08-2024, 05:06 PM
RE: Flora Flores' HoS Application - by klushy225 - 12-08-2024, 08:18 PM
RE: Flora Flores' HoS Application - by Cal - 12-29-2024, 10:21 AM

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