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Changes to deafness and blindness traits
As someone who plays a lot with the short sighted trait I really think the point of those traits is that you have to make do without the accompanying slot, (although with short sighted its not too much of a downside to swap to something else if its absolutely necessary), the only times I really use my sechuds when running shortsighted on sec is when its revs or im with a known vamp. Making them only punish you on death/stolen item would make them lose a lot of their interest IMO. At least with eyewear I know the one you spawn with will instead be put into your bag, deaf people I think can put their departmental headset in their pocket to hear on it, then swap to talk and swap back to hear.

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RE: Changes to deafness and blindness traits - by JORJ949 - 12-07-2024, 04:11 PM

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