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A change to the detgadget hat/scuttlebot
So ive noticed something playing detective rather often. Specifically that the detgadget hat and other scuttlebots have the ability to take a picture which is good and makes sense for detectives character. However there is a rather glaring issue with it. Once the picture is taken its put onto the floor where the scuttle bot is, and must be dragged around by said scuttlebot back to detective/who ever is using it. Which doesn't work too well as the scuttle bot does not have ANY access, meaning the picture often cannot be retrieved from said location. 
I think a good change for this would be to allow the scuttle bot to put the picture inside of itself, so that way it can take a picture, grab that picture, then bring it back to the detective effectively. With the picture being retrieved once it is on the detective head using the activation code "Picture" or something similar. This would allow for detective to get evidence he otherwise would have to be in person for. I believe that it would be very funny to catch a person either with contraband or in some type of situation that the detective can then use as evidence against said person whether that be for blackmail or otherwise.  Sleeping bee

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A change to the detgadget hat/scuttlebot - by MrGlasses - 12-05-2024, 09:41 PM

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