12-02-2024, 01:50 AM
I am extremely against the detective's gun being restricted, purely based off of cool factor. I understand, though, that with how it currently works it does give the detective quite a bit of power that either they can use, or that antagonists can steal. To resolve that, I think we could basically do what Snoid said earlier: nerf the stun rounds and restrict the lethals.
As for the actual implementation of these things, the stun rounds could disorient people without actually stunning (or something similar), like how Lt487 suggested, and the lethal rounds could be restricted in a way like others suggested, with them being in a drawer (or safe?) in the detective's office that unlocks when the Armory is authed.
Of course it'd also be great to give the detective some more abilities (I really like some of the ones suggested earlier in this thread), but I think this would at least partially resolve the mindhack issue (they will still always be a valuable target no matter what, imo), and also be a fine first step in narrowing the focus of the detective role onto more detective-y things.
As for the actual implementation of these things, the stun rounds could disorient people without actually stunning (or something similar), like how Lt487 suggested, and the lethal rounds could be restricted in a way like others suggested, with them being in a drawer (or safe?) in the detective's office that unlocks when the Armory is authed.
Of course it'd also be great to give the detective some more abilities (I really like some of the ones suggested earlier in this thread), but I think this would at least partially resolve the mindhack issue (they will still always be a valuable target no matter what, imo), and also be a fine first step in narrowing the focus of the detective role onto more detective-y things.