11-18-2013, 08:50 AM
Wow, I'm feeling a lot of arrogance radiating off of you.
Also so ironic as I've been working with SpyGuy recently and we have been having all kinds of fun experimenting with chemistry while you've been sat here complaining.
Clarks Wrote:Telescience is cool every once in a while. But having chemicals as prize for a fetch quest does not make chemistry more fun.Oh you mean that single chemical that does this that does nothing other than make you an antagonist. Yeah this is a huge problem with chemistry please fix.
Clarks Wrote:Right now there's very little reason to stick to chemistry once you have completed your recipe list.There's very little reason to stick to anything once you have X. That's why you don't see pro burns in the engine as much and why QM's don't experiment with buying and selling. Hell, this is why nobody goes into toxins anymore.
Clarks Wrote:Dude, get a grip. Me, isaac, damian and dave were doing chemmurder by the heaps while you were still toying with napalm.So modest
Also so ironic as I've been working with SpyGuy recently and we have been having all kinds of fun experimenting with chemistry while you've been sat here complaining.