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Make RP Changelings Scary Monsters and Not Poison Mixers
I would like ling in general to have more morphs. Suggestion examples;

Thorasic Maw:.cage splits and opens. Chest replacee with a gaping mouth. Had a chance to automatically block melee and bite back for 20 with high bleed, timy chance to sever limb, 7 dna 90 seconds.

Unnerving Undulations: can move at regular speed when on the back, auto escape grabs, fits under doors, 6 dna for 30 seconds.

Digestige Enzymatic Vomit: 2 dna to vomit out a small pool of hydrochloric acid that can target a corpse, wiping all dnanand prints on it. Cool down shared with sting.

Secondary Head: 10 dna to replace one of their hands with a mutated and horrible head. Bites for damage +2 dna to thenchangling. Lasts 120 seconds. Can be hanf spidered to make a "false" head spider to throw off suspiscion and terrify

Pinneial Enhancement; gives 90 seconds to use 2 charges of adrenline surge. 5 dna.

Induced Deltic Giganricism: causes one arm to swell massively. Allows a short range tackle like the football uniform which auto shatters glass and windows. Perfeft for qn escspe. 7 for 60.

Just a few off the dome

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RE: Make RP Changelings Scary Monsters and Not Poison Mixers - by Silent Majority - 10-29-2024, 06:10 AM

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