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MindHack Cloning Module is a BIT obvious and a BIT misleading for the cost
So, a recent round I watched a newbee geneticist pull out a mindhack cloner, and attach it to a cloning machine in front of a wide and diverse audience, including securi-me.

they proceeded to just go 'well that's that round over' then flush themself down a trash chute and kill themself.

I'm not about to propose a change up to the mindhack cloner on the function form (I am notably not a fan but I need to be able to do the work rather then just mention it), however:

Could the description be altered to mention just how obvious and obnoxious it is? Give a very clear and concise warning, since it seems to be a bit misleading.

I'd also to propose: Drop the TC cost by 2. Yes, its extremely powerful. Yes, it can transform a round. It's also one of the weird sort of traitor items that require an immense amount of work, dedicated in world infrastructure, and some factors that are flat beyond your control.

Secondary suggestion:

The delux mindhack cloning kit could come with a Delux Gene Mod chip that could hold 3 genes. Let them start their own super soldier program

Tertiary suggestion:
Mindhack cloners cloning someone should not transmit that someone is cloned to the medical channel.

Rather, to Nukie Faction PDA's:

New recruit %name has been gestated and ejected at %locationname, go properly induct them!

Messages In This Thread
MindHack Cloning Module is a BIT obvious and a BIT misleading for the cost - by Silent Majority - 10-28-2024, 06:33 AM

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