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i think goon should be an 18+ server, like everyone else.
i feel that this is more of a rules/admin environment issue.

there is absolutely 0 question that Goon IS an 18+ game, if this were ever looked at by the ESRB, PEGI, or and Federal Agency they would all agree, children under 18 should NOT be playing this game. But at the same time GTA IV was rated M and i played that at age 13.

The issue from where i sit is just one of the rules being intentionally strict to foster a family friendly environment. While yes, this does make the game more approachable, it also makes the game more hostile to average adults. That and admins tend to lean on the more strict side when it comes to how people treat each other in game, botany hotboxes the halls every round for 6 months, sure no problem, someone will patch it out eventually. Jonny Staffie beats someone to death while being non-antag, no bad. someone calls someone a dick repeatedly over the radio as "rp" for being upset, sure fine. someone accidentally slips up and calls someone a b***h once, bad, admin pm, do it again and you're banned (im exaggerating yes, but ive seen plenty of bans for language). Honestly my biggest sticking point about this whole argument is WHERE the rules are decided to be enforced. i can rip someone's arm off and beat them to death with it, i can force-feed someone meth by injecting it in their food. but i cant call someone a p***y? but calling them a dick is okay? oh but dick is known to mean a jerk, okay cool, ask any adult and they know p***y means coward. So again i think this whole argument boils down to the game is 18+ but the rules are E10+

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RE: i think goon should be an 18+ server, like everyone else. - by AGreywolfe - 10-23-2024, 05:35 AM

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