nova sunport's hos application
Usual character name: RADIO MAN

BYOND username: novasunport
Discord username (if you are on our discord): icywine

Recommended by (if applicable):

Goon servers you play: morty

Reason for application: [b]hello! i'd like to start things off by addressing that i'm really not the guy to be using grammar, so i'm sorry if you expected it, if it does get denied for this reason i will try to use capitalization.
and as for my reason for applying, i feel that i'd like to maybe derive from my ways of having RADIO MAN be a total prankster and take some things seriously for a while, and also because i want to try new things, for example in october (which is now at the time of writing this), there are a few hos/mentor exclusive jobs, like remy.
i'm not saying im only doing this for those jobs, i genuinely want to have the privelege of being a hos and/or a nanotrasen security consultant, i'm running out of energy to keep going so i'll end my reason here.

Security experience (300 word minimum):
i find the concept of security really cool when it comes to responsibility, i mean being a cop sounds cool and all in real life, but imagine fighting a shapeshifting abomination with your comrades, or fighting a magic guy who keeps turning people into cluwnes or flaming balls of fire! not to mention everytime i do some kind of justice, i feel pretty good about myself!
for example, i admit that i am terrible at being robust unfortunately.. whether that affects my application or not, i'll still get some form of joy from it because it's still going to clarify whether or not i'll get accepted, and why that was the result, so i can learn from past applications.
one of my responsibilities in a shift was these gang members? i don't know, they got one of our security, but before they could die they sent out one security alert to us, so me and some other officer went to check it out and voila we got our identities stolen, we got cloned afterwards but sec got filled to the brim with nitrous oxide, and it was an overall pretty fun round.

did i mention the people that accompany you? it really looks like every officer is really nice to you, so i repaid it back with a picnic for a random security officer, my favorite part about the role has to be the other people, all the fun had been from them so even the smallest things like "good idea" or "good job!" make my day just a little bit better! it's not often you see an officer being hard on other officers, and considering the fact that i'm usually the prankster of the station, it feels nice to sometimes have people be nice to me opposed to people asking me why i pranked them.

if i had to describe security in four words, i'd say "its kind of fun!", i feel like people (especially clowns and staff assistants) underappreciate security a lot, me including, but then i played it on a more special round (which i will mention later, not to mention it was rather recent so im sorry if im applying too fast) and i like playing as security now and i'll definitely play it again when i'm done writing this.
it feels like a jack in the box, you know somethings gonna happen but you dont know when, and when you succeed it feels so satisfying.

Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players?

  • What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one) it was definitely the beans round, i got to get guns as a security assistant, and i even killed a syndicate in full armor! it was great! i still died though, but i'm not one to ask for much.

  • What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?
    i think it would be to add a data disk and/or security weapon pinpointer rack (maybe both merged at once!), because it gets way too crowded on tables and it makes security look unorganized, and security isn't about that! it's about order, and that's not it! sure there are alternatives like using a crate, but then you just have some random crate that everyone's gonna open and it still looks quite ugly, and sure, you could make your own tables, but it would be nice to have a select place to store it at roundstart.

  • Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.

Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
  • Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.

  • What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?
    this one made me brainstorm a little, but i still got it regardless! i want to run a taxi using the cargo tugs, and if theres any very conspicuous crates, i ought to search 'em! not only that but i'll roam around with the tractor, still patrolling!

  • Draw a picture!

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):
i got banned for an hour for saying "oh spare me the lecture" to an admin, i was kind of in a bad mood at the time so that explains it

Messages In This Thread
nova sunport's hos application - by novasunport - 10-11-2024, 08:07 PM

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