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i think goon should be an 18+ server, like everyone else.
While my perspective on this might not be universally shared, i still think a lot of other players feel the same way. If we changed the age to 18+, it would not just affect any under-aged players currently playing, but it would also affect every player who still does not wish to deal with sexual or even overtly romantic themes or any other behavior unsuitable for teens. For starters, equating cartoonish violence (yes even as brutal as it gets), movie-esque alcohol consumption and incredibly unrealistic drug use with sexual themes and topics is insincere and purposefully not seeing the difference between those two fields. None of these things should be done by someone younger than 18, but seeing something and doing something is vastly different.

No matter how extreme the violence is in this game, it's still just pixels on a screen and both parties know that this is a game. Little kids play cowboys and pretend to shoot each other. Violent make believe like this is nothing new. There isn't a need to raise the age to 18+ because even kids as young as 13 are pretty good at seperating a little sprite exploding and real life violence. So if it isn't the violence, it would affect what people say to each other and what they RP. 

Personally, i don't want to engage with kids if i can avoid it. I'm an adult, i prefer to hang out with other adults and play video games with adults. I don't go out of my way to be around kids but i also try to be nice and respectful with the kids i do encounter. I believe that most things that would be inappropriate to say to a teen would also be inappropriate to say to a stranger on the internet. Adults do and say adult things, but frankly i worry that upping the age limit is going to just negatively affect what people say to each other. Even if we say now that nothing about the existing rules would change, this change would still have a knock on effect further down the line. The servers are now 18+, maybe we can say some more vulgar things now? Now that we are all adults, maybe we can speak a bit harsher with each other? It would just invite worse behavior. Something that is a-okay between adult friends would still be a no-go among adult strangers playing a video game, or to think about the context of ss13's fictional setting, a work environment. 

I prefer that goon is pg13 solely because it makes me personally more comfortable playing this game. I get it, dealing with kids is stressful and often annoying, but frankly if it can't be said around a teen then i also don't want it directed at me by strangers while i try to get the engine started, treat wounds or mop floors. I don't want to open another can of worms but the simple truth is also that one person's harmless adult banter makes other adults deeply uncomfortable for one reason or the other. The only problem that i can see with kids around is having some players who are more immature and unreasonable, but plenty of adults aren't any better about that either. 

TL;DR: i don't think anything on the servers is unsuitable for pg13 and anything that would change by making it 18+ would just sour the atmosphere overall, sexual or not.
(this ended up a lot longer and more rambly than i intended. also it's very late and english isn't my first language :-P)

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RE: i think goon should be an 18+ server, like everyone else. - by Violetsaber - 10-07-2024, 08:50 PM

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