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i think goon should be an 18+ server, like everyone else.
I don't agree with everything that's been said in this thread, but I'd prefer if goon was at the least 16+ myself. Obviously I don't want people checking IDs, and don't believe that having it be an older age bracket in the rules will stop people who are younger from just deciding to break the rules anyways, but I'd still prefer it. 13 year olds are very, very young. I've interacted with people on the goon servers who have been very, very young, and who I've felt strongly were not being positively affected overall by their experiences on the server. Not because people were knowingly mistreating them, but because this is a social deduction game with a LOT of social forces at play -- I've watched a decent chunk of younger folks breaking down and confiding in me/people I've spectated that they don't understand a lot of what's going on on the servers socially, they don't understand why people don't like them (because they're young, the people they're trying to interact with are adults of various ages, and the way they talk is Different to the way that a 13 or 14 year old talks), and just struggling to handle "basic" gameplay mechanics like dealing with antags, being an antag, getting in trouble with sec/the admins -- "why is everyone mad at me/hurting me/picking on me" etc. I've specifically gone out of my way to try and include these younger folks who were struggling where I could, because I've seen people who are likewise uncomfortable with them actively avoid and exclude them, and I don't blame them. It's hard to talk to emotional children who just want to play the game with you when you're obviously not on here looking to babysit. I've seen those children's resentment and frustration grow until they ended up banned. I've had a child on this game tell me on classic after being RP banned that this was the only place that anyone ever talked to them, and they were completely alone otherwise, and that it was hard because they always seemed to be getting in trouble and didn't want to. I know it's not any player or admin's job to babysit or coddle children who are playing on the servers, and I'm taking it on myself to reach out and try to make sure they feel included in rounds.

This is just my own opinion/perspective. This is far from the only place on the internet where children will be at a disadvantage in video game-based social situations vs the adults around them, and surely there's a lot of children who are getting something positive out of playing the game. Regardless, as an adult it makes me uncomfortable.

Messages In This Thread
RE: i think goon should be an 18+ server, like everyone else. - by JOELED - 10-05-2024, 07:18 AM

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