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Goonstation September 2024 Contribution Contest
space goose Hi, the fall and winter seasons are prime for festivities, but many ignore the dangers of the restless spirits and wicked demons that the Halloween season brings. To help ward off the seasonal fiends, the Discount Dan™ Brand Franchise Conglomarate are proud to present:

Divine Daniel's Soul Cleansing Refresheverage
15u Pumpkin Spice Latte
10u Holy Water
7u Aconitine
5u Lavender Essence
2u Salt
0.5u Mutadone
0.5u Calomel
Ingredients consist of the standard Pumpkin Spice Latte and Discount Dan™ Brand Franchise Conglomarate Sweetener,  In addition to that, it contains Properly Priest Blessed Holy Water, an all-natural warder to fend off all kinds of evil spirits in addition to watering down the normally quite spicy Pumpkin Spice, which allows it to be enjoyed by a wider variety of Refresheverage Enjoyers. The Aconitine is a natural herbal remedy that tastes refreshing and additionally scares off potential Werewolves from coming near you. In the event of potential and theoretical poisoning you may or may not recieve from this ingredient, the Discount Dan™ Brand Franchise Conglomarate recommends you seek your local Chaplain to check if you may have been infected with lycanthropthy prior to injesting Divine Daniel's Soul Cleansing Refresheverage. The Lavender Essence that this drink also contains adds just a little more of that wonderful smell and taste. A pinch of salt does a wonderful job at adding some extra flavor and fending off spirits of dark intent when you pour the drink over your shoulder. Last but not least, Divine Daniel's Soul Cleansing Refresheverage contains some minor medical elements in its Mutadone and Calomel in order to purge you of any demons that may have infested your body or soul. The perfect drink for both flavor and utility!

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RE: Goonstation September 2024 Contribution Contest - by Snoid - 09-20-2024, 01:10 PM

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