Ortmid / Joshua Miller HOS Application (1)
Usual character name: Joshua Miller
BYOND username: Ortmid
Discord username (if you are on our discord):  N/A

Recommended by (if applicable): N/A
Goon servers you play: Goonstation 3 - Morty.

Reason for application: 
I've had a general interest in the role because of a fun interaction I had with a newbie detective a while back. Together we formulated a working plan against an active changeling, which was kind of fumbled, but was majorly fun anyway! From that point on I got more interested in the Security Leadership role that is Head of Security. I imagine the role to play less like being a super officer, and more about directing the team into a more coordinated and effective unit. I often find that round without a Head of Security is tough for a stacked team, when there's actual trouble, so I'd like to fill in during the rare few session where there's no HoS!

Security experience (300 word minimum):
Most all of my experience on station exists in Security on the RP server, though I've been widening my horizons to learn more about the game otherwise with other characters. I've played Assistant, Officer, and I mainly focus on Detective. While starting out as Detective I essentially played as Sec-Off+1, but as time's gone out I've tried to make my detective rounds more distinct from my Sec-Off rounds. This usually involves getting a drink delivered to my office, actually inviting people to my office, or committing myself to simply impossible cases while chuffing down cigarettes. Sometimes this can be a case of "Who killed the Detective's Cat?" to "Who the hell is this Janitor that's switching gloves constantly?"

Early on I was a pretty harsh cop, constantly on the case and spending most of my time trying to catch and arrest perps, but I've eased up as time as gone on, giving some new antags some space to breath. I've generally found these rounds are more fun. Instead of implanting a tracker instantly into the guy that was obviously sucking electricity out of an APC like 2 seconds ago I'll usually give em a suspicious look and walk off, maybe giving a tip to my team that's not entirely truthful. Sometimes some Sec Off don't get the idea, leading to some poor new antags getting a bit too beat down for the round to be interesting outside of the first 20 minutes...

As a Sec Off I also try to get buddy buddy with whoever the team's detective is, try and compare notes about our processes so I can compare for when I'm on my "Detective's License". Similarly I usually try and get friendly with the whole of the Sec Team, when there's not some constant trouble causing us to roll out. It's quite fun getting to know certain HoS/Sec Offs by name alone and evaluating their ability/style from times we've worked together! Quiet rounds usually lead to some fun interactions between fellow Sec, sharing stories of past shifts while we munch on donuts and coffee.

Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players?
Besides the general stuff like using your equipment, labeling, and getting your pinpointer/scan, it'd usually be the earlier mentioned "Antag Mercy". Sometimes an officer will need a nudge to get the idea, but some are still in that early Hunting stage I had myself. Besides that, I want to see more people getting trials! At least in less hectic rounds. It's a fun bit of roleplay to play into, especially if you're a purposefully forceful officer.

  • What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one)
My favorite round EVER really was a round where I joined late as a Boxer. I joined while my friend was playing a Syndicate round in call, and I actively avoided him for the most part, but ended up getting held hostage by him anyway! I escaped and we broke into a fight in Medbay where I was screaming to be saved from the evil MD. The Med team thought I was a boxer just causing trouble though, because his Henchmen he sent after me was ALSO a boxer! The rest of the round was pretty formulaic, where I'd exist for a bit, get hunted down for revenge, break into a fight that ends in the medbay, and get screamed at by the medical team. The part that connects back to Security is funny, and was a funny and eye opening experience from the other end. I had constantly reported this MD for shooting me, assaulting me, etc, but the Detective and Officers on the team just didn't care because of my profession! Hilarious enough of a round/outcome as is, eventually the round ended with me trying to beat the now cloned MD to death, as our rivalry had gotten VERY dramatic over the course of the round. Sec caught us and then put us in with the "Brig Spider". I was the only one with my cuffs off, so instead of fighting the spider I beat my MD friend and fed him to the spider first, reveling in my victory.

The round was insane, and I dare say it's the closest I've been to a "Shit-Sec" round, but it was absolutely hilarious. No one believing me that I was being shot while I was actively bleeding, and then feeding me to a giant spider was wild. I wouldn't try to replicate such a round from Security's position, but it truly was the most fun I've had in SS13.

Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
  • Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.
Syndicate Ronin
Blades Clash in an Ancient Forge
Dishonor in Death

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will):
No bans that I can remember!

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Ortmid / Joshua Miller HOS Application (1) - by Ortmid - 09-19-2024, 09:37 PM

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