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Make Ai able to leave from game by cryo unit./ AI AFK interface
Zz's have been a tremendous QoL change, especially being able to eyeball if someone's briefly dropped off for a second or has been gone for half a round.
The Dream setup? Those all basically work great. (I'd say the status screens for option two would be okay but they seem to be a little invisible for the most part: I've put "I bet you won't read this" on them on 90% of rounds and only been called on it once.) This is personal but I've not yet once encountered someone just "Drop out" mid antagonism. The -absolute- worst has been someone who's had to briefly disappear and been tremendously apologetic upon return. Guess what: It's okay it's a game stuff happens don't sweat it. That's a personal experience though so as always if admins felt it would make too much/any more work for them I get it.

I'd rather have clear methods and lines to determine the state of a player in regards to the game because of the fact that you don't want to mess with someone AFK for the rules and you also just kind of don't want to be a jerk to someone who's line has briefly dropped or someone's knocked on their front door (speaking as someone who regularly just gets unlucky with their connection, I appreciate this) so I don't mind what we do, but I do think giving AI's the same basic opportunity to go "Hey I gotta go for a bit/forever" makes sense if we do it for pretty much everyone else, and having something that's very apparent what's going on means if we need to, we can get someone in what's a fairly high-priority role, OR give that player a break and wait for them to come back.

Also good point on the blueprint, robotics isn't a strong point for me but it would explain why I haven't seen 12 dozen core frames sitting around or something. I think 4's the most I've seen at once.

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RE: Make Ai able to leave from game by cryo unit./ AI AFK interface - by Lefinch - 09-13-2024, 07:11 PM

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