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Station Goals and Corporate Rewards
This creates a performance goals/quotas for every job on the station, and will contribute to the department score at the end of a timer.

This could be for medical it could be the production of chemicals, cyborg assembly, genes, or damage healed.

These goals can be exceed, and will be known as "Stretch Goals" that award additional points.

At the end of the timer, a report whether a department has finished it's required quota or exceeded it. After which a bonus will be assigned to the department's payroll.

"Station Points"
Depending on how well the station performs, station points will be given to the captain who can use the points to order from Centcom some rewards.

The captain can redeem several different options:

1. Shuttle Rewards: The captain can order items, or things that will arrive on the next escape shuttle. They could be animals, party equipment, food and drinks, costume crates, decorative streamers, or a pre installed "Kitchen" loaded with ingredients, and  aquarium filled with fish mobs, and even go-karts (Expensive).

2. Preloaded Cards: This creates an id like object that can be used at cargo, or for traders with a preset amount of credits inside. The credits cannot be withdrawn at an atm. This allows the captain to award departments by giving them the ability to order their own reward.

3. Medals/Placards/Special Cake: This allows you to hands out customizable medals/placards that can be edited to say custom messages, or people. This can help personalize each department, or celebrate a hard working person. There is also a randomize message option if you want to make it extra goofy. The special cake will be mailed to cargo onto a crate containing a large cake on a wheelable table as well as a personalize letter card that you can leave a message for them to read.

Messages In This Thread
Station Goals and Corporate Rewards - by Confuseddp - 09-12-2024, 09:50 PM

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