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i think ghosts should be able to observe the adventure / centcom z level (z2)
(09-05-2024, 04:03 AM)Cherman0 Wrote: I would go so far as to say that secret content as a whole has lost a reason to exist. It feels like a charade that everyone is obliged to participate in just because "it's always been that way". For azones in particular I feel that it is harmful narratively, but for other secrets (especially chem) secret designation is seemingly arbitrary and just creates "in-groups who know" and everyone else.

secret content isn't bad in and of itself, but i have opinions on that subject and this thread is not about that

(09-05-2024, 05:34 AM)Glamurio Wrote: Secret content makes sense in so far as to release features that are still work in progress. A good example of this is rancher and chickens. I am inclined to agree that secret content could do with an expiration date, especially because we have so many non-developer contributors these days that could fix bugs or implement new features, but just can't access the code.

i wouldn't really say chickens are a "wip" (they have existed for 3 years and seem relatively feature-complete) but as far as i am aware they are going to stay in the secret module indefinitely

(09-05-2024, 12:33 AM)DisturbHerb Wrote: i think it'd be a little strange if you could surf around z2 and see that mars is really just next door to where souls go when they die

it's a good thing this is a farting space man simulator and not an immersive triple-A rpg or we'd be in some real shit

Messages In This Thread
RE: i think ghosts should be able to observe the adventure / centcom z level (z2) - by Zamujasa - 09-05-2024, 11:22 AM

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