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thoughts on bringing the 10 minute respawn timer to classic
(09-01-2024, 11:19 AM)George_Manning Wrote: What about changeling hiveminds? If everybody can respawn in 10 minutes, why would they stay in the changeling hivemind and help them out as a limb critter?
What about weapons built around ammo scarcity, like the SPES-12? If I use all my ammo mowing down an angry mob, and 10 minutes later the same exact angry mob is back, that doesn't feel good.
What about jobs like secoff? If I murder 2 secoffs to complete my dastardly plot in peace, and 2 secoffs spawn in immediately after, what have I accomplished?
What about people being cloned after somebody latejoins with their old job? Do we just have two captains now? 
What about midroll antags? Not only would it mess with the pools of potential takers, it would also mean the potential for a ton of people to respawn knowing that a hunter is about to appear onstation, for instance.
What about Flockminds? The best way to beat them is a human wave, and it's hard to ignore the threat they pose when you respawn.

As somebody who played RP regularly before switching to Classic, and has played in both lowpop and highpop RP and Classic environments:
I appreciate the benefits of parity, but I just don't think this would work.

Now this is a good explaintion but I like to address a few points myself

Hiveminds: If people quit being part of a hivemind, give the changeling more DNA. Hiveminds need to be reworked to an extend so the victims can do more to begin with.
Sec off respawn: Can already be a problem with players joining right after a few died.  Now it's just witnessed. If anything, just turn off security officer respawns. Thus forcing security workers to be extra careful with their disks, since if they are dead and gone.. thats 1 security staff less.
Captain respawn issue: Already an issue without a respawn timer. Aka going afk in the cryo sleep and coming back and now theres 2 captains. Heck I seen this happen A LOT IN RP where I join late, see a fun role and then the main role comes back as well and now there's 2 HoP's.
Midroll Antags? Anti-metaing rule, it's that simple.

These are the only concerns that can be addressed or changed. Anything else.. yea I got nothing.  These are legit good reasons to worry about respawning.

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RE: thoughts on bringing the 10 minute respawn timer to classic - by Kotlol - 09-01-2024, 04:10 PM

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