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thoughts on bringing the 10 minute respawn timer to classic
(08-31-2024, 07:16 PM)Snoid Wrote: no thank u. if theres a rampage going on and someones properly wiping out the station, i dont know how youre supposed to pretend u dont know thats going on and not prepare for it immediately. i think there would be no shortage of people abusing it, no matter how many times you ahelp. not to mention all the minor abuses that people generally wouldnt bother ahelping. people would get mad they got killed then come back 10 mins later and start validhunting on the basis of "in my previous life they killed me" whether they admit it or not. i think itd just be more annoying than good. also it gives even less of a reason to be in ling hiveminds.

This is would be a-helpable.
As for ling hiveminds? You can't leave them after being eaten (unless they changed it).
Ling hiveminds are their own problem of how much it sucks being part of one and how lil interaction you have and how lings kinda don't want to deploy critters cause it would reveal who they are and if they die that DNA is lost very easily cept for eye ones.

I still see people complaining death is TOO easily avoided anyway.
"Death has no meaning" "Death needs more meaning" "Death this, death that."

But in reality... death turns on spectator mode, allows you to interact with the living via Ouija (wich is clunky on purpose) or as ghost-drone/critter (wich isn't you)

Why do we have to punish players for being killed so heavily they need to be removed so far from the round? Isn't the point of dieing that you lose everything you worked for that shift and respawning would just set that all to 0? 
Isn't it more fun for a rampaging antagonist that respawns happen so they can rampage more?

I can only see it being bad for someone like Nukies, Blobs or Flock as they would have to fight respawning enemies. (even if it takes long)
But you can easily disable it when their "Timers of victory start" no one can respawn. So priming a nuke? NO RESPAWNS ALLOWED.

Anyway it seems like a side track but I want to know the full on culture and thinking on why "death is cheap, no respawns" as it would probably help everyone think on one line on this topic.

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RE: thoughts on bringing the 10 minute respawn timer to classic - by Kotlol - 09-01-2024, 02:33 AM

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