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thoughts on bringing the 10 minute respawn timer to classic
(08-30-2024, 12:45 PM)Zamujasa Wrote: the word "just" is doing a lot of heavy lifting here; 10 minutes is a long time on classic, and someone going from sec to staff just to show up and fight the antag again would be a pretty clear violation of the "new life" rule

I may not play classic a lot but when I do... 10 mins is more the enough time for an antag to kill half a station if left unchecked. And mostly after that antag is dead.. the next one becomes a threat. And then the next one. Heck I once played a more passive antag (aka more misschief and lower crimes as well trying to do a bit) and constantly I get ignored cause... the job I am disguised under is constantly under fire from antags (not the medbay, it was the chapel)
A traitor planting a bomb next to my chapel... Welp gotta kill em. that's my base yer blowing up!
Blob infection? I guess I gotta kill it.
Kudzu growth from botany... guess I gotta burn it.
Flock shows up on the same spot the blob was. OH FOR THE LOVE OF...!
And this was all in a span of 32 minutes.

Respawns are fine, the only "REAL" downside I can see is people killing themselves on purpose so they can be mid-shift antags in 10 mins, but even that is not a huge problem. Since as you pointed out.. 10 mins a lot happens.
Only the 1st 10 mins is MOSTLY uneventful since everyone is preparing their stuff. (not always but that's the average time) but even that is silly.

10 mins is 100% fine.

Messages In This Thread
RE: thoughts on bringing the 10 minute respawn timer to classic - by Kotlol - 08-31-2024, 01:38 AM

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