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thoughts on bringing the 10 minute respawn timer to classic
really like this idea. not only is being stuck dead an entire round miserable, but its also a big deterrent to someone sticking around unless they already like the game enough to want to wait on another shift (or just find whatever is happening inround interesting to observe). it also seems like a decent counter to the station wiping antag gimmicks, and could promote a little more creativity with the shuttle hijack objective. rampage rounds, back when i played on classic majority of the time, took an awful toll on pop. if there was an option to respawn, and the general knowledge that respawning is a thing, it may lessen the likelihood of antags going on a murder spree on anything that moves, and in turn have more people waiting to get back into the shift.

the difficult thing i could see with this is more people not understanding the new character rule if theyre spam clicking through popups to get back into the round, assuming its just a free respawn. the game makes it pretty clear that youre supposed to pick a new one, but there may need to be some sort of other mechanical thing in place to keep people from rejoining on their same save slot

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RE: thoughts on bringing the 10 minute respawn timer to classic - by Retrino - 08-29-2024, 03:20 PM

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