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[CLOSED PR] Wig glue trait that allows mutantraces to wear hats and hair
(08-18-2024, 02:03 PM)klushy225 Wrote: I think it would be difficult to remove this feature. Not mechanically, but ah, it would probably cause a big stink when a feature that people have been begging for is removed. I more so meant easy to remove as in, letting the mutantrace rework handle mutantrace hair if it does without this trait.

That's my concern here, really. This feature would be, at best, viewed as temporary. But i csnnot see how we will be able to remove this without spanning multiple discussion threads.

Look at the mess that was the security access unification discussion. We would run headfirst into something similar.

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RE: [PR] Wig glue trait that allows mutantraces to wear hats and hair - by Lord_earthfire - 08-19-2024, 02:04 AM

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