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[MERGED PR] Remove the hygiene motive from RP
Personally all for removing hygiene. It feels like a gross and immature joke at the expense of players and i don't mean immature as in "haha poop funny" mature but like in a "SS13 players don't shower lol" kind of way if you get what i mean. It's the wrong kind of immature.

I don't think it should be totally removed from the game though, i think the funniest compromise is to make it a trait from mutations or drugs so sometimes instead of getting cool super powers you just smell like shit forever. Maybe there is a kind of drug that can cause this too.

EDIT: it could also be funny if it was a spell Wizards had.

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RE: [PR] Remove the hygiene motive from RP - by Tcurt99 - 08-14-2024, 06:13 PM

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