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The cargo bay I wish I could have
After a recent QM round with a particularly congested cargo bay, I came up with this. The cargo bay I desperately wish I could have.

[Image: Q8YzkQm.png]

Some stuff gets moved around. The bay is only one tile wider, but the effective available space is increased by about 50 percent, so there should be plenty of room for all the stuff you order and keep on hand. The pod bay is also two spaces wider, because the expanded bay moves it over a space, and it'd look weird if it stuck out just a single space from the next part of the station, so I made it stick out by 3 instead. Plenty of room for mass producing pods now.

You may notice I removed the outer blast doors. I despise those things more than I hate wizards. Both when buying and selling, those things are always jamming the system. So lose them, just put that part in open space. For atmospheric integrity, you'd use the auto-airlocks I described in the image. Just say that they automatically cycle the atmosphere in and out as needed, so they're totally lossless. They'd have the advantage of making the cargo bay and docks safer. No more worrying about a crate flying in and pancaking you. Unless somebody emags the things.

To make it work as I've envisioned, you'd have to give the shipping computer the ability to add barcodes to the crates you order, in place of the current comment box, and those barcodes include a "resell" option. The "1" cargo router sends a crate up for any barcode except "cargo bay" or "resell," in which case it sends it down. "2" sends a "resell" crate to the right, and any other one down. That way you can easily move crates back onto the market as you order them. "3" sends any dock barcode other than "cargo bay" to the left, and any other barcode goes down.

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