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[MERGED PR] Remove the hygiene motive from RP
Since we are back at this let me reitterate why hygiene motive sucks.

1: Hygiene doesnt punish you in mechanics.
YOU JUST SMELL! With hunger you lose max hp and thrist stamina is worst.

2: Fixing it doesn't benefit you.
Eating can give health buffs, regen buffs and stamina buffs. So can drinking!
Cleaning yourself? NOPE!

3: You have to take off your clothes in a bathroom to shower.
OH NO I AM EXPOSED! And someone ran in and now the situation is awkward....

4: You can't instantly drop to 0 hunger and 0 thrist.
Well unless something "specific happens" it will go down gradualy and faster the more you do.
Where as hygiene can drop to 0 if you slip and fall into a puddle. Or someone spray you with oil. There are so much ways for you to get that hygiene to drop to 0 it is just frustrating.

5: Flavor text and stink lines are just uber annoying.
Nothing awful I can ignore it, but I do notice it's just annoying.

And that's why I am fine with removing it. Since it has no value... atleast in the olden days you could get sick of it being low.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [PR] Remove the hygiene motive from RP - by Kotlol - 08-07-2024, 12:17 PM

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