08-04-2024, 02:54 AM
Huge fan of this, SecOffs have way too much all access on RP. Yes it's going to suck and need adjusting to but I am hopeful it leads to a better balance. I've often seen Security have an attentive AI or even Brobocops on their team on RP, which would more or less give them full AA in situations where they need it. IMO we could make a compromise though. What if hitting the red alert button gives Security their old pseudo AA back while its on? Adds more importance to it, lets crew know something is going on like the Armory alert. If you truly are in a situation where antags are running wild on station, hit the red alert. If you simply need to investigate or chase one guy, the AI or a Brobocop is good enough. This PR would also make Brobocops way more valuable in general which I love.