Natasha Narisktav HoS application!
Please understand that the following post's example refers to a singular round, not a judgement on the application in general or Cypher's merit or dismerit in their application. The sole reason I'm posting it here is to seek clarification on their potential mentality as a HoS in regards to team work in a challenging environment. I would strongly discourage using this post as partial basis for your own endorsement or not, but Cypher's reply could hopefully clarify in a way that supports their application and that's as good a reason to post it as any. 

Some time last month we had a round on COGMAP2 on Morty in which I was a random named AI and you mid-joined as Natasha Narisktav. We had a security team that seemed quite new, and were losing control of the situation a little, but personally I felt were making an effort. To jog memories a bit because if you're anything like me rounds can blend together: There was an incident in the brig area with security and the captain that went on a while.  To the best that I could tell: you would have very likely been the most experienced security member playing at that time. From my perspective, Natasha was very dismissive, blunt, and unhelpful, and walked out. Of security and left them somewhat entirely to their own devices. I've absolutely been there myself and this among many reasons is why I couldn't apply for HoS, and I would not want to see this from someone who is looking to be HoS when one of the key things is as you stated "The team caring for each other"

If you remember this particular round, could you clarify your viewpoint on the situation? If you do not remember this round that's understandable, but could you explain what you would do in a situation you mid-round joined as the HoS or most senior officer with less experienced security crew, or crew that needed some coaching to get back on track as it were?

Messages In This Thread
Natasha Narisktav HoS application! - by Cypher - 07-19-2024, 06:10 AM
RE: Natasha Narisktav HoS application! - by Lefinch - 08-04-2024, 12:49 AM

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