Natasha Narisktav HoS application!
Natasha is always wonderful to work with, a reliable and fair officer usually! Even though she AFKs sometimes during rounds they always manage to catch up and remember events that occurred during the round. They provide fair punishments for antags and keep a cool head in rounds OOC and IC which is appreciated in hectic situations. I do feel like she doesn't take much initiative and often refers to the Captain or HoS if we have one that round in instances like further punishments for antags for example however that can be both seen as a good or bad thing depending on the perspective.

Overall they would make for a decent HoS and I would love to serve under them! +𝟭 

Messages In This Thread
Natasha Narisktav HoS application! - by Cypher - 07-19-2024, 06:10 AM
RE: Natasha Narisktav HoS application! - by General Hi Ping - 08-02-2024, 04:47 PM

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