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We should improve blobs somewhat
I 100% agree that blob needs some sort of buff as it stands right now blob is in a state where the skill floor is so high that newer players need at least 2-3 blob rounds before they get a good grasp on what they are supposed to do and possibly even more if they just get stomped within the first 5 minutes of spawning which is not exactly unlikely. On top of this even if you do get past the skill floor hurdle blob is a antag where only the top 5% of players or less can actually get a win without the crew just being to apathetic to try, and at least in my opinion when 9 out of 10 blob rounds are just flat out stomps that isn't a fun antag for someone to play or for crew to fight.

One change I some other people have mentioned is how flamers should not be able to damage blob without cooldown and while this would be a great change I feel like more has to be looked at for fire damage. Part of the reason that flamers can be so devestating to a blob is that not only is the damage insane but blobs are unable to place tiles on areas that are on fire, and while this makes sense this comes with the issue that if you have 2 or even just 1 person with a full auto flamer spaming at a area or especially your nucleous you can flat out be defenseless. And when a full tank of fuel on a full auto flamer can take around 33% of a nucleouses health being unable to place any tiles for that entire time just feels terrible to play against. So part of my suggestion with the flamer damage cooldown is that possibly a new upgrade or a feature added to the fire restiance upgrade is that you are able to place tiles on on fire spaces with a health penelty so you are at least able to try and fight back.

Another change I really hope to see is one im actually surpised has not been done yet and that is to and that is make reflective tiles actually reflect things. Now for regular lazers and phasors and what not reflective tiles are just fine and work but when it comes to pod weaponry there at least 2 easy to obtain pod weapons that just ignore reflective tiles that being the mining phasor and the mk4 lazer. As of right now both of these pod weapons just ignore reflective tiles and damage them anyways with mining phasors being considerd kinetic projectiles rather then energy projectles and mk4 lazers causing fire on hit damageing the reflective tile anyways. I feel like if not for a blob buff that just for parity sake that these 2 projectles are reflected and by consequence would make pod's less of a impossible to deal with issue for blob.

(07-26-2024, 09:35 PM)Kotomata Wrote: also while im here, can we remove the esoteric gamer mechanic "you spread slower when further away from nuclei"? is this even documented anywhere? i sure couldnt find it on the wiki page but maybe im blind. the whole point of blob is to spread as wide as possible so why does it invisibly slow down the further it gets from starting location? i dont like this mechanic one bit

Afaik this is because as blob spreads every 100 tiles or so it gains a second of time before it can use spread which i agree is kinda dumb since by the time the crew "loses" and has to shuttle blob will be so slow it is actually less of a threat to crew then when they were fighting it.

Messages In This Thread
RE: We should improve blobs somewhat - by IPingu - 07-26-2024, 07:32 AM
RE: We should improve blobs somewhat - by Comic - 07-26-2024, 08:46 AM
RE: We should improve blobs somewhat - by IPingu - 07-26-2024, 10:24 PM
RE: We should improve blobs somewhat - by rando212 - 07-27-2024, 12:30 PM
RE: We should improve blobs somewhat - by Kotlol - 07-27-2024, 01:52 PM
RE: We should improve blobs somewhat - by Mouse - 07-27-2024, 03:28 PM
RE: We should improve blobs somewhat - by Mouse - 07-28-2024, 08:24 AM
RE: We should improve blobs somewhat - by mralexs - 07-28-2024, 08:26 AM
RE: We should improve blobs somewhat - by Mouse - 07-28-2024, 08:34 AM
RE: We should improve blobs somewhat - by Lefinch - 07-28-2024, 07:34 PM
RE: We should improve blobs somewhat - by Spoodle - 08-02-2024, 10:15 PM

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