Klushy225/Munches Mentor application
Usual character name: Munches Paper / Stella Sternum / Clara Ross / CATLON and others!
BYOND username: Klushy225
Discord username (if you are on our discord): Klushy225

Recommended by (if applicable): Red
Goon servers you play: 4 main, seldom 3    a fancy greater domestic space-bee

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum):

I wanted to throw in my application in the mix because I find joy in showing newer players the ropes of this game. So many have been turned away by the daunting learning cliff, and feeling alone when it comes finding the first thing to do. Whenever I have the chance, I try to take a newer player under my wing, and teach them the basics of the game.  I've been playing for over three years at this point, and I have experience in every department this station has to offer. I will admit, there are departments that I most certainly lack experience in, namely medical, however, I am still proficient in every department, and able to use external resources such as the wiki to pull through. I'm not perfect, I've made mistakes, namely misinterpreting code trying to answer a question in the questions channel(oops!), but I do believe that my knowledge of the game is sufficient for mentorship. The following departments are listed in no particular order.

As it stands, this is the department that has claimed the most hours of my life. The majority of my rounds played today are as the HoS, and nearly every time there is a fresh face in security to show around. To date, I have trained well over twenty new security assistants, and I believe that my training track record is the reason I made the HoS cut. I see many of those I trained as regular faces in security, many now able to comfortably play officer during stressful rounds(Some even making HoS applications of their own!). I love security for everything it has to offer, namely the level of interaction you are able to have with the crew. Not many other roles are able to parallel the dynamic between themselves and the rest of the crew, being the ones who control the flow of a round.

The research department was my main department before I became absorbed by security, and with the exception of telescience/adventure zones, I feel confident in most sub-areas of research. While not nearly as many as security, I've shown a number of newbees around the research labs on their first days. In toxins I feel the most confident, where I've spent the majority of my time in science. I have also spent much time in chemistry melting my face off, where I now find joy in making medical chemicals for medbay. Science is a great sandbox that rarely provides any tangible benefit for the station, but feels important and fun. In my opinion, science is where a newer player should go after grasping the absolute basics of the game.

The department that I started with, and still hold much love for. The civilian department provides a relatively stress free on-ramp to ss13, with easy to grasp but difficult to master mechanics in most roles. The simplicity of the roles makes teaching newer players easier, as there are not many external factors hindering the learning process, such as rampaging antags in security or plasma leaks in science. I routinely find newer players to help out in the civilian department, and it's always a relaxed, chill experience that they can learn from. I've fallen down the HoS to bartender pipeline, finding joy in making cocktails as fast as I can, and interacting with the crew.

Another department that I enjoy, I can mess around with the TEG for an entire round without even realizing it's been nearly two hours. Engineering is another department that I've shown a few newbees around, teaching people how to set up the TEG engine, and repairing breaches. I feel that I have a pretty good grasp of the mechanics of engineering, however, I have put relatively few hours into engineering compared to the other departments. I am able to setup every engine type, and make modifications to boost power output(perhaps at the cost of the station's safety... oops!)

Cargo is a role that I've spent a considerable amount of time playing, and what I often fall back on when things become too much for me to handle. I can get the budget pretty high while sending all the departments gifts along the way. I've played quite a bit of mining, and have come to understand the various materials and their properties. Mining is a role that I play either to relax, or really dedicate energy to.

Medical is the one department that I don't feel confident in, however, I am fully capable of healing most things I come across, and cloning puritans. I am able to use most of the medical chemicals without reference, however, I am not perfect. I haven't taught many people in medbay, as I don't feel confident enough in my medical expertise to guide a newer player around there.  Recently I have been putting time into robotics, and after a few minor accidents while still trying to remember how one plays robotics, I feel fairly confident there.

Command is another department that I feel confident in, having spent many rounds as the head of security, and a few notable ones as captain. The only command role that I usually play is HoS, however, I have dabbled in every other one there is to play. I've taught a few new HoP's how to use their ID computers, and led new captains through stressful rounds, aiding them in making choices when the time called for it. I think command can be welcoming to newer players, given that they have a basic understanding of how things function.

While not sinking nearly as many hours into silicon roles as human roles, I do have notable experience playing silicons, spending a good amount of rounds as either an AI, or a cyborg. The silicon roles are the only roles that I would advise brand-new players against playing, as law updates can be difficult to keep track of, and can be stressful when you're ordered to do something you don't know how to do. While I haven't seen many new players play silicon roles, I have aided a few in their first, trying rounds as a robotic friend.

My experience in antagging is limited, as for a long time I've had my antag preferences completely off. However, I have significant security experience which allows me to help newer antags who need it, and myself as well when I do manage to roll evil.

I stand by my choice to use comic sans for the entire application.

Enjoy this drawing I made( It was already posted in the art channel.)
[Image: AD_4nXcq5QZ7uUeDsAuXF1ivnnPdRky-YL9iDAsA...Y9L1JvuRmA]

(I won't lie, I am very nervous putting this up. More than anything, I want to see the feedback, and get a glimpse at how I can grow as a player.)

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): As far as I'm aware, I've never gotten a ban. One or two warnings in the past that I've taken into consideration and grown from.

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Klushy225/Munches Mentor application - by klushy225 - 08-28-2024, 06:08 AM

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