Edwardo Pedro-Gonzales Hos application. Take 2, bee boogalo
Usual character name: Edwardo Pedro-Gonzales (current and old man from alternate timeline) 
BYOND username:erikkainn
Discord username (if you are on our discord): erikk6774

Recommended by (if applicable): none
Goon servers you play:3

Reason for application: I feel like I am experienced and levelheaded enough (most cases) to be able to give leadership to a choatic shift or help new sec players. Given the last month or so I've felt that's been needed with the population in servers getting higher and showing no signs of going back down. And I want to help. More then i have been anyway. Oh also and the most important reason.. Id look good in a beret and cape.. This is a joke
Security experience (300 word minimum): I have been playing security for over a year now, I have been shit sec, and I've been a model officer. I've been the reason things have gone to hell and I've been the one to help pull people from it.  I like to think the positives I contribute outweigh the bad but i am also aware that has not always been the case. I am aware people had misgivings on my last application and pointed out my flaws. I like to think I've worked on them, I try to be communicative with my team I try to be helpful and supporting I try not to be serious all the times, (Were goon station , got to be a bit silly to be here), and I've been trying to walk that line of letting antagonist grow and get into their groove while also shutting down the overly hostile and aggressive  antags that are just trying to go for major body count or round ending destruction.  I like to think I've taken what people have said and have been striving to be better and to be a role model that other newer members can look to and go, i should act like that. I've stepped up the amount of people I've given orientation too, I've had talks with a scared archfiend who just doesn't want to die and talked about ways they can feed without hurting anyone or the station.  I've spoken up when behavior and conduct has been unacceptable by other officers for sec and have worked to try and help correct that behavior rather than shut them down entirely.  Being told I helped make a round bearable or was a help to the team has been some of the proudest moments I've had playing the game and I've been striving to make more of those moments happen. I am not perfect, but i think I'd make an ok hos...

Answer two or more of the following:
  • What advice would you give to other sec players?: The usual. Lable your pinpointers, get a clone scan, keep in touch. Also talk with people before escalating to arrest for most cases. 
  • What was one of your favorite security moments? (Either playing as a sec officer or interacting with one): Uhhh hmm... well there was this recent moment where myself and another officer brought the det in for questioning based off some reports from two people seeing him with syndi implant tech and running away. So we casually questioned him and pressed just a little bit and got him to reveal details we hadn't mentioned yet. He then decided to pull his gun rather then talking and when arrested he committed suicide... But me and the other officer just sat there going "huh, we out columboed columbo". That was a pretty funny moment.  
  • What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?: I think color marking on the detectives revolver that tells what's loaded in it (lethal, stuns) like the captains gun or the wave taser would help prevent accidental frantic chase shootings. Also maybe the ability to spend a utility token on a set of thermal sec glasses similar to the nightvision sec glasses... Oh and a cosmetic coat with siren lights on the shoulders.. So you can pair it with the siren hat. Last one wouldn't really benefit them. but it would be funny.
  • Describe any differences in your playstyle when part of a full security team and when being the only security officer.: When im alone i tend to play more conservative and careful, ask the ai for more help.. etc. When im with a team i can loosen up and rely on them, keep in contact and trust them most of the time.
Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
  • Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13. A grenade at my feet. I sigh and run. (Haiku i think
  • What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?: Sheriff security... was fun. Yehaw partner... cowboy coats don't block 12g to the chest though.
  • Draw a picture!: Uuuuuh i dont know how to post things.. nor can i draw. but ask me on discord for a shot of gunpla I've made! if not imagine uuuh gunpla! zakus! goufs! ez-8!
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): Perm ban from antagonist 

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Edwardo Pedro-Gonzales Hos application. Take 2, bee boogalo - by erikkainn - 07-08-2024, 12:57 PM

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