Norah Snow's HoS Application 2
I don't know the full reason why your last application was denied, but personally I have not noticed any change in how you play or act that would change my thoughts. I still have the same opinion of +1 that I did last time, so I will copy paste my response to your last application, I think it and the spirit of it still holds true:


I think you’re a really fun person to play with. You’re knowledgeable and active in everything security related (brigging, comms, etc.). I’ve seen your comms be more on the leadership side too. I remember one shift when I was playing as security with an officer whose name I didn’t recognize. They were very pleasant to interact with and active, and that person was you when you were random naming.

Messages In This Thread
Norah Snow's HoS Application 2 - by Angel - 07-06-2024, 07:42 PM
RE: Norah Snow's HoS Application 2 - by meaow589 - 07-07-2024, 04:11 AM
RE: Norah Snow's HoS Application 2 - by FlameArrow57 - 07-07-2024, 09:43 PM

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