Complaint Two incidents: Goon3 7/1/24, 7/6/24
Hi there. I was not the admin who handled all of the communication with you, but I'll handle this feedback post.

I am utterly appalled at how you've chosen to misrepresent how the administration staff of this server has handled you during the month that you've played on our servers.

I'll skim over the multiple "soft warnings" that you received for things like grief and Rule 4 breaks, including in your character name.

Your issues with cyborgs were things like, as you admit, trying to bomb your law rackĀ or mess with payroll, on default laws. You openly admitted that you were "trying to find the line."


Your cyborg ban had absolutely nothing to do with "equal rights." No admin ever told you anything remotely like "equal rights is a stupid meme and I should feel bad and never do it again."

Here are the exact logs of your ban.


The only time that "racism" has ever been discussed with you is when you called someone else "racist" and when asked not to do that, you explained that it was "just a joke."

Moving on to the second incident: I am the admin who communicated you for most of this. I'll provide a screenshot for clarity. This is the entirety of our communication.


You were not being "punished" by a "bug or glitch." The code that handles cyborg-banned accounts touching borg artifacts is the same that handles NPC monkeys touching artifacts: log the death, spawn an npc mini bot, and qdel the user. It functioned exactly as written. The process is entirely different from a regular borging, which tears off and replaces limbs one at a time and ends with gibbing. There are multiple kinds of artifacts that can instantly kill you in artifact science.

You were banned nearly a half hour after your initial mhelp. You spent that entire time arguing and complaining, and just as before, you've drastically misrepresented our conversation in your complaint.

Your entire history on our server (which has been, as I previously stated, one month) has been trying to find the lines, repeatedly crossing them, and refusing to take responsibility for your actions. The consequences of your behavior thus far have been a role-ban from silicons, and a 95 minute ban.

I strongly suggest that you improve your behavior on our servers.

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RE: Two incidents: Goon3 7/1/24, 7/6/24 - by jan.antilles - 07-06-2024, 08:14 PM

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