06-27-2024, 08:49 PM
At some point if the organics will insist in running in the halls (possibly -with- scissors) alongside inexpertly operating chemistry stations, toxins, the engine, pretty much every single department, walking in front of a silicon trying to fix a floor only to get accidentally omnitool-wrenched and doing the other 1,000 things that gets them hurt indirectly through poor safety practices in the workplace I'd say its out of law 1's direct hands and probably why we should thank our stars the "through inaction" clause isn't active in it. Also, in theory miner borgs in general are a walking health hazard in a way worse way due to volatile rocks, medical borgs are by their very nature a walking minefield of law 1 gymnastics so on.
At some point you have to give a little leeway to the potential of tools to cause genuine accidental harm. Accidents happen and the will to follow laws as honestly and best possible is not mutually inclusive with "Actually manages it"
At some point you have to give a little leeway to the potential of tools to cause genuine accidental harm. Accidents happen and the will to follow laws as honestly and best possible is not mutually inclusive with "Actually manages it"