11-11-2013, 09:46 AM
The round before, Lillian had turned herself into Papal, and they were both bent on turning me. Eventually, through much struggle, I was assimilated.
Then, in OOC, Lillian said next round everyone would be me.
This was a sign of things to come.
I started as an assistant, as all great leaders have humble beginnings. The AI names himself CHIKE_BD and a borg Chikebot. I head to customs to get my ID changed to 'Great Leader' and head down to chemistry. Lillian prepares the secret formula to change someone into me. Through trial of dosage, she eventually gets it right and turns into me. We Chikened the next man, and the next, and soon all of Chemistry was Chikened. We spread out about the station with Chike Juice, and I manage to Chiken the detective. I head back to Chemistry to get a refil of Chike Juice, and some traitor comes in the window and kills me and another Chike. Welp.
But wait, there's more! The AI calls out the dead Chikes in Chemistry, and three other Chikes come to help! Our corpses are brought to genetics, in which I, Chike Prime, am cloned. The other one was uncloneable. Rip. The MD says, 'Hey, there are a bunch of Chikes in robotics, why don't you go hangout with them?' Lo and behold, five more Chikes. Lillian is among them. To test if I am me, she asks me about one of my vampire hunting exploits, in which he had 30 bats confined to a single bathroom. She was satisfied with my answer. As the Chikes walked out into medbay, we searched for my looted ID, which was nowhere near it was left. To our disdain, an assistant ran up and dropped a pipebomb.
We all lost a few limbs, and I was dragged to robotics by a helpful borg. Sadly, that very assistant butchered me, the borg, and another Chike with his Saber. Many Chikes fell on that day. The ghosts and I all discussed the round, until the point of which the radio lit up with cries of space being on fire. I float over to space and, as the gods and myself have predicted, Space was literally on fire. Through further investigation, I discovered it was no longer space, but pure fire. Thus, in summary, the species of Chike was strong and lasting, but it was doomed to a ball of fire.
The Chike shall rise again!
Then, in OOC, Lillian said next round everyone would be me.
This was a sign of things to come.
I started as an assistant, as all great leaders have humble beginnings. The AI names himself CHIKE_BD and a borg Chikebot. I head to customs to get my ID changed to 'Great Leader' and head down to chemistry. Lillian prepares the secret formula to change someone into me. Through trial of dosage, she eventually gets it right and turns into me. We Chikened the next man, and the next, and soon all of Chemistry was Chikened. We spread out about the station with Chike Juice, and I manage to Chiken the detective. I head back to Chemistry to get a refil of Chike Juice, and some traitor comes in the window and kills me and another Chike. Welp.
But wait, there's more! The AI calls out the dead Chikes in Chemistry, and three other Chikes come to help! Our corpses are brought to genetics, in which I, Chike Prime, am cloned. The other one was uncloneable. Rip. The MD says, 'Hey, there are a bunch of Chikes in robotics, why don't you go hangout with them?' Lo and behold, five more Chikes. Lillian is among them. To test if I am me, she asks me about one of my vampire hunting exploits, in which he had 30 bats confined to a single bathroom. She was satisfied with my answer. As the Chikes walked out into medbay, we searched for my looted ID, which was nowhere near it was left. To our disdain, an assistant ran up and dropped a pipebomb.
We all lost a few limbs, and I was dragged to robotics by a helpful borg. Sadly, that very assistant butchered me, the borg, and another Chike with his Saber. Many Chikes fell on that day. The ghosts and I all discussed the round, until the point of which the radio lit up with cries of space being on fire. I float over to space and, as the gods and myself have predicted, Space was literally on fire. Through further investigation, I discovered it was no longer space, but pure fire. Thus, in summary, the species of Chike was strong and lasting, but it was doomed to a ball of fire.
The Chike shall rise again!