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Thoughts and suggestions on medical department
(06-22-2024, 11:58 AM)Kotlol Wrote: I may have something in mind to fix a simple problem with this all.

"Emergency COMA device."

If someone is in crit, you can use this device to put them in a "COMA" , wich keeps them in a statis and will slow down dieing by a ton.
Kinda like the sleeper units but insted this time it won't let the patient slowly die and agonizing, but put em on pause with 1st responders (or atleast 10 times slower)

Another variant was just "pausing them" but allowing them to talk with only a few words. So they can utter the words: "End... me...."

Eitherway something to compliment nerfing/changing cloning so doctoring can take more place.

Something so if someone in an emergency 1st respond or in those 1st aid kit lockers to put someone into "medical statis" but also dissallowing them to do anything so they can stay in "CRIT" longer and thus get to the medbay for a doctor to treat them.

And while it takes a while to die in crit. Just giving that extra time via a device will help a lot more.
(Remember being in Crit means you can't do anything anyway, so essentially "Dead" without being "DEAD" , would also stop people dieing, then ghosting then being cloned and using lil information like that)
While I do think this is a good idea and I see where you are coming from this littearly already exsits but is just not well known. Both cryoxadone in the cryo tubes and the combination of atropine and synaptizine have the same effect of reducing the chance of death to basically none allowing you to save people who are in very deep crit. The reason no one uses these features is A: its just not advertised anywhere but the wiki page for chemicals, and B: cloning is just easier and a far smaller waste of resources. Something else is I actually talked about this idea when I wrote up a document on a medical doctor rework and one peice of feedback was that medbay is a already pretty cramped space and medical doctors have a lot of gear so adding a new tool/machine would be fairly difficult. In my opinion what should be done is rather then make a new device just make it more well know like being in the handbooks or being put in a description that this feature exsits being the compliement to a cloning nerf.

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RE: Thoughts and suggestions on medical department - by rando212 - 06-23-2024, 07:24 AM

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