Complaint Polite complaint suggested by a friend
(06-16-2024, 10:45 PM)goober_one Wrote: I'm going to be siding with @zamujasa here. I feel like what they did was justified. There are messages that say "Don't boo the pregame show" for a reason. You just sort of.. ignored that. Even if it was as a joke. I'm not a big fan of that.

that announcement was something i added in response to the events that created this thread, as well as people previously heckling me.

it wasn't present during the round this happened.

Quote:- I wanted to point out that I feel like no matter how small, actions done here were unjust. Mostly because of the fact there were no warnings prior to this, at least not something I would have seen, as I've only loaded in about 80 seconds until roundstart, and I do not look at #space-chat often enough to be aware admins get serious harassment like this.

there are three things i keep coming back to about how i decided to do what i did.

one, you were heckling a host in front of 40-80 people (i don't know the exact counts and it varies between servers). if this was an actual physical show, even one held for free in a park or whatever, if someone started making a disturbance like that, they would be immediately shown out, regardless of if it's a recurring problem. it's rude, it's disruptive to the person doing it, as well as all the people trying to watch.

two, it was a short public shaming followed by a five minute ban. i have routinely put people in shamecubes on classic for particularly egregious or annoying behavior before. it is a part of discouragement: "i shouldn't do this because then i'd end up like that." you were made an example of, because you provided yourself that way.

three, even if you were not already aware, your first decision in front of a huge group of people was, unique across them, to boo and heckle. you were the only person out of that group to do that. and i think that, out of this, it would be better to reflect on why that was.

you shouldn't need to know that someone's seen abuse to think better about harassing people. read the room.

was i an asshole to you? absolutely. was it a bit much? i can see the argument.

but my stance is that you shouldn't need a warning to not be a jerk. especially not to someone standing in front of 40 others.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Polite complaint suggested by a friend - by Zamujasa - 06-17-2024, 03:53 PM

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