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[PR] Contributor Rewards accessible to all
(06-12-2024, 03:28 PM)Zamujasa Wrote: as a last-ditch attempt to salvage something good out of this, would a compromise in allowing this on classic and not rp be adequate? because i am going to feel real fuckin bad if this ends up effectively disabling a few friends' fun gimmicks.

I don't personally like dumping it from people who already have it, even though I would've ideally rather never given it out. Once you give people an element of customization, it's like pulling teeth to remove it, and it feels kinda mean especially for something that's (currently) niche. That said, I don't think classic and rp need to have different aesthetic sensibilities and all of my personal arguments have been made with classic in mind, cuz I have limited experience on rp. But I don't see a good reason to split them on something like this. I realize this is at odds with me agreeing that it sucks to have this be exclusive to contributors, but that's why my ideal would've been not to have added it at all :pensivefrog:

(06-12-2024, 03:28 PM)mintyphresh Wrote: nested lizard uniqueness quote that I don't want to fully quote here because forum formatting is annoying me but you can read it above -flaborized

Similarly, I don't really *love* that most species got simple access to the primary thing that makes humans stand out, but I wouldn't want to cut them either for above reasons re: it being pulling teeth. Without trying to make the thread about wigs (they were discussed far too much after they were added) while explaining why there's a discrepancy between "oh it'd suck to give away lizard's unique Thing" and "mutantraces got human's unique thing"; it was merged without really having a big discussion like this because it wasn't presumed to be a controversial sorta thing, more than one dev who didn't want it didn't see the PR as it came in or didn't realize it extended to more than just humans, and since we had already merged it we didn't remove it cuz as above stated twice, removing customization options is akin to pulling teeth. This is not to say that all or most devs didn't like it/don't like it, but I think there would've been discussion -like this thread- on it if it was labeled "adds hair to mutantraces" and given its own thread. This is also a simplified retelling of what happened since I mainly just want to clarify why I'm arguing this point while we have something in-game that contradicts the idea pretty strongly. The only reason I bring this up is I basically don't think wigs are a good example of the kinds of things we'd want to add for customization, even though they're in the game and there are absolutely no plans to remove them atm.

Something that contributes to the long drawn out back and forth of this discussion is that if we add it, it's realistically probably not gonna get pulled back out. Expanding customization is very committal and in general people will be much angrier if you take away something they have than if you never give it to them in the first place.

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RE: [PR] Contributor Rewards accessible to all - by Flaborized - 06-14-2024, 05:07 AM

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