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Thoughts and suggestions on medical department
Hi I play Dandy Dandidio on goon1 and I've played a LOT of doctor over my time, it is easily my most-played role and I have thoughts. When it comes down to disasters I've pretty much seen it all, mass bombings, mass poisoning, mass shootings, mass admemes etc etc. So here are some of my thoughts on the department what I think should be changed or removed etc etc.

First of all Robotics. When it takes longer to print out parts than building a borg that is a problem. It's no secret that robotics is in dire need of a rework along with other departments(mining).  Until a rework or something substantial is added, I think robotics and doctors should merge like mechanics and engineering. The role doesn't have enough content to warrant its special spot in a department which leads to robotics players disappearing halfway through a shift leading to whichever doctor is around to do the work anyway.

Genetics. Genetics is fine, I'd like to see the gene booth get a makeover to be similar to the clothing booth where you can select the genes you want preferably with a description of the gene and at the same time be able to see your current genetic stability level. There are too many times I see newbies just take all the genes not knowing what stability level is and then stumble around and die, some kind of indicator would be nice.

Doctors. mmmm, this part is gonna be a mess as I ramble on.

First of all, let's talk about surgery. I don't like it when a staff assistant breaks into Medbay prints out a bunch of cyber-organs and effortlessly replaces all organs and limbs with 0 interaction with the department. I doubt the nuclear option of requiring surgery training would be a popular one.  So how about something else?  Similar to the artefact change on item descriptions, people who are untrained now have no idea which organ they are removing, so you can still remove and replace your organs as a staff assistant, but every time you roll the dice on did I remove my heart or my appendix?  And on the subject of limbs,  I think prosthetics could be a nice addition to replace the light borg parts,  something that anyone could easily attach to a limb without training so losing a limb isn't too disruptive. I do however think having standard cyborg arms or treads should require training to put on, both of these can be very powerful and it's especially annoying to deal with as security so having some effort involved would be better I think.

On the subject of organs. Organ damage in its current state is kinda dumb. As long as an organ isn't dead you can ignore it and if it's dead then you have stacking toxin damage giving you an unreasonable countdown to when the person dies, this leads to those awkward "just let them die" moments where it is easier to clone someone than perform lifesaving surgery, I think this is stupid and should be changed. So my suggestion?  Increasing base organ health, however, create a threshold that when an organ reaches a certain level it will eventually die, needing to replace the organ sooner rather than later.  This would hopefully (I think) lead to more interesting gameplay from the doctor's side when you have enough time to replace a person's organs since trying to save people from a space-12 shooting means most people die on the surgery table before you even finish printing the damn organs.

MEDKITS. Oh boy, time for some spicy takes time. Medkits in their current form are a bit silly IMO, that they are simply too effective for how cheap they are to get.  Medkits, in my opinion, should be more of a keep me alive until I reach Medbay or an I'm lazy and want a small patch up, not a free heal me up to full. Lowering the amount of healing inside a kit would be a start, but I also think cargo being able to mass order medkits is also kinda dumb and should be looked at. A new "heavy duty" medkit would be nice to introduce for big emergencies, something you can order from cargo for a large markup from normal medkits.

THE PORTA MED- OH BOY, What a dumb item. I am honestly surprised I am the first person to bring this up. You have an easy-to-get easy-to-move, big old medicine box which is OVERLOADED with an obscene amount of healing. How this hasn't been nerfed into the ground I don't get. It has 20 BRUTE AND 20 BURN PATCHES, an absurd amount of medical injectors for ALL occasions. Remove this or nerf into the ground honestly, if more medkits need to be placed in departments to compensate sure whatever but dang, me saying "ai portamed" and having so many chems at my disposals shouldn't be a thing.

The porta bed thing - I'd like to see the portamed removed and simply have 2 of these instead. An easier way to transport injured people to medbay or a safer area for healing. Maybe having some upgrades you could order from cargo to increase its effectiveness, also being able to attach it to a kart for ambulance gameplay. WeeeeWoooooWeeeeeWoooo.

PHARMACY, Oh boy I understand this is a point of contention on RP servers but damn, the feeling of having to break into chem to get some lids and a chem barrel so I don't either gas myself or others is just annoying. I understand on RP where chemists give you stuff makes the pharmacy redundant and more of a "they took our jobs" moment but on goon1, the fact I can't make healing chems with the default pharmacy equipment is just dumb. It also feels inconsistent on what I can make and what I can't. Silver Sulfadiazine, mannitol, saline, potassium iodide? no problem!  Anything involving oil? Get fucked idiot,  Styptic Powder? I hope you enjoy making Sulfuric Acid in an extremely inefficient way, Perfluorodecalin? just grab 2 salicylic acid bottles from a vendor congratulations you now have 120u of the most powerful Oxy healing chem(I haven't used salbutamol in years lmao). My point is, the current approach is a fucking mess, either give the pharmacy the tools it needs to make shit or remove it, and make pharmacists round start job if necessary. (I will still have to break into chem to make shit regardless because its goon1)

Cryo tubes - Boring non-interactive healing meh.  

Lack of emergency equipment - For a department that gets bombed so often or requires to go into depressurised zones to look for bodies or brains the lack of any EVA equipment is a bit of an inconvenience.  This is just a wild idea but I'd like some sort of Medbay "armoury" that simply has like 2-3 medical EVA suits some heavy-duty medkits and some basic emergency supplies would be nice. Maybe some medbay-themed hardhats? I don't know I'm just spitballin' here.

A couple of things with MD. I'd like it if I get a PDA notification when Genetics puts something on sale at the booth, being surprised with an empowered hulk in the booth when I'm trying to be a good department head is awkward.  

NT syringe gun,  a relic of the past. I used to use this as a large-capacity hypospray but with how darts work now its only use is to shoot tiders with diphenhydramine or OD people with meth, just eh.

As big boss of silicon maintenance, I would like a way to check how many active cyborgs we have running around or even AI, maybe having a console in the MD office showing which ones are active would be nice. (I don't want a killswitch or anything just a list of active borgs would be nice)

This is more of a head-of-a-department issue but, I'd like an easier way to handle shitters in my department whether it's genetics being annoying or tiders looting. A flash simply doesn't cut it. Often security is simply too overwhelmed to deal with petty bullshit so dealing with someone just being annoying or geneticist-refusing not to put empowered hulk in the gene booth.  With the captain being taken into the direction of a more "serious" role I think it would be good for other department heads to head in as well. What the item could be? I don't know but I'd like an option of something other than a toolbox to the face. (and no I'm not using the tranq its just beepsky bait)

And to end it off, any security officer that wears the armoured paramedic suit should instantly gib.

Messages In This Thread
Thoughts and suggestions on medical department - by santamex - 06-10-2024, 11:25 AM

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