Mentor Application - Cropsey
Usual character name: Ratt Ratmann/Anton (von)Fennec 
BYOND username: Cropsey
Discord username (if you are on our discord): jaws_and_canines

Recommended by (if applicable): N/A.
Goon servers you play: 3, 4.

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum): I've noticed a lot of new people coming in and seeing a lot of struggle, especially in medical and robotics, plus some mechanics like secmate, medtrak and the functions of a cyborg/AI seem to be getting lost a little. Wondering why people don't know, I realised that actually a lot of the mechanics are a bit obscure, and newbees probably aren't finding them too easily. I see a lot of people just straight up lost as well sometimes, and whilst I enjoy helping people out player-to-player as far as I can, being a mentor seems to be a decent way to take it to the next step. I put off applying for a while because I was worried about people not being keen since I'm a relatively new player, but I figured now is as good of a time as any with the influx of players. What's the worst that can happen.

Also apparently I've been playing for six months now. What.

As for game experience: I thoroughly enjoy playing Antonborg, so have a good grasp of cyborg/AI gameplay (something which can be super daunting to newbees, and I'd love to see more borg players since it's way more versatile than it looks to begin with) and the less 'obvious' perks of that, I used to main medical - whilst Anton was a horrendously grumpy MD, it's good to have time for new medical folks and point out what the medications do since it's not always obvious (and the age old cardiac failiure vs cardiac arrest tip). 

These days I mostly play security when I have the energy, and there are a lot of people playing security who don't know about the functions available- it took me a long time of playing around to work out securitrons, and the det's det_net vr- awesome features that get overlooked because people either aren't seeing them or don't have time to play with them. When I fancy a bit of downtime, I can usually be found in maints as Ratt- this has let me get familiar with engineering (not really mechcomp or packets, I'll admit) as well as pretty good at finding things on given maps. I also have a private instance and am quite fond of the murderbox for finding my way around antag abilities which I think are totally overlooked. It would be nice to be able to help folks figure things out without having to be physically there in-character, which doesn't always happen, and so mentor seems to be the logical way to go.

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): 1x 100 minute(?) ban from Zamu, all servers for saying a certain forbidden pony-related word. I have no idea what the date was. I don't recall any other bans, only a few times having a talking-to from admins, especially when I was new and not at ALL in tune with RP culture.

Messages In This Thread
Mentor Application - Cropsey - by Cropsey - 06-06-2024, 07:56 AM
RE: Mentor Application - Cropsey - by Lefinch - 06-06-2024, 10:07 AM
RE: Mentor Application - Cropsey - by Erund - 06-06-2024, 08:39 PM

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