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[PR] Contributor Rewards accessible to all
I do not particularly like letting all humans pick whatever colors they want. Color ranges are part of the visual identity of many species in the game and I think letting people (or roaches) have the full range diminishes this aesthetic quality a lot. Lizards can have technicolor skin because they're chameleon-like; if we added this more generally to generic people, we'd be somewhat taking away from this Cool Thing lizards have that makes them stand out as unique. 

The Boring Basic skin-tones also, for lack of better phrasing, make them look Human. Blue skin looks like an alien because humans don't have blue skin. Other mutantraces in the game unfortunately do not exist in real life so we can imagine them looking however we want without it being Weird, but I think there's still some value in having a cohesive look for them, at least on roundstart.

I don't really have an qualms with people using genetics or the tanning booth to achieve these looks since then they're uncommon, but if everyone could have them as a trait I think it'd worsen the look of the game. To be honest, I don't even *really* like it much on contributor, but it's difficult to take out something like that when we've given it out as a reward for doing something nice like contributing. It's not something I would have implemented myself, though; I'd rather people contribute solely because they want to contribute to the game and never for the Epic In-Game Reward.

This is a nitpick for a PR that I don't even really want added but the trait should ideally not be compatible with species that have no way to utilize it, cuz it wouldn't do anything for them.

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RE: [PR] Contributor Rewards accessible to all - by Flaborized - 06-06-2024, 04:39 AM

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