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[PR] Contributor Rewards accessible to all
Some visuals would go a long way with this. As someone who feels like customization is important, but actually feels like many aspects of the game already destroy immersion to some extend, I was actually quite happy with the version Zamu posted in Discord. It seems less of an eyesore and still allows some degree of customization that is ultimately a better version of what we have, namely limiting it to 20% V (aka #333333)

The other big issue is still that the medal should just receive a proper, ideally automatic streamlining. Maybe simply something that ties a contributor from GitHub or via Discord to the in-game username. There shouldn't be any more criteria than that, simply any PR that is liked and gets merged should make you a contributor for fairness sake.

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RE: [PR] Contributor Rewards accessible to all - by Glamurio - 06-03-2024, 11:59 PM

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