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[PR] Contributor Rewards accessible to all

About the PR
Those with the Contributor medal, in addition to being heroes of the community due to exceptional contributions to the game, are able to select any skin hue they want for humans and blattodeans, as well as access a silly-sounding scream. The additional character customization that this medal provides is highly coveted, obviously.

However, the current method of getting these is nebulous at best. You gain the medal by having an admin award it to you-- the criteria for awarding it is completely qualitative. You're not supposed to bug admins/devs about getting contributor, so all you can do is wait, and hope that one of the contributions you make reminds them that the medal exists.

Locking such a desired reward behind such a difficult and obfuscated path is frustrating, to say the least. Following a discussion on the matter in discord, this PR proposes one of many solutions to this frustration:

- Skin color freedom is now a one-point trait, "Dermachromatic." Skin colors are limited to a "Value" of at least 20%, and the sum of their "Saturation" and "Value" cannot exceed 140%.
[Image: 04390b05-97c8-414a-9871-6e89c1fadcb2]

Highlights from the discussion on Discord
I don't expect the solutions proposed in this PR to become the final product; many good ideas were floated during discussions, and I expect the discussion to continue for a long, long time, until we're all supremely sick and tired of it. Only a few ideas are highlighted here; feel free to expand on them, or mention ones I missed, in discussion either on GitHub or the forums.
# Suggested alternative ways to earn the rewards
- Instead, tie the skin color reward to a new medal, granted upon taking a bath in Colorful Reagent
- Instead, allow contributors to share the rewards with others, similar to the "unlike the director, I went to college" medal.
- Instead, make the medal much easier to get. Just one PR of any scale, or something along those lines.
- Instead, make the full color scale be locked behind 20 rounds played, like Captain.
# Concerns
- Making it available to everyone just turns it into "muppet station," e.g. bright magenta humans. There's value that should not be understated in having people still look like normal humans.
- " gets kind of tiring watching people use it just to make weird monsters at roundstart and try to mess with people." This happens already with normal skin tones, but would undoubtedly get worse with unlimited skin tones.

todo for this PR

Assuming all goes forward with this implementation, Dermachromatic will need a sprite for its trait icon. I don't have what it takes to make it, but if you're a spriter with an itchy drawing tablet, hold off for a bit, because I doubt these will be the final implementation.

(*)Added a new trait, Dermachromatic. This replaces the skin color reward that previously only Contributors could claim.


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[PR] Contributor Rewards accessible to all - by github_bot - 06-03-2024, 05:53 PM

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