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Miners have too many tools. Condense them into one modular tool.
I like the excavation tools being separate, since there's an element of playstyle differentiation in each one's technical shortcomings but most of them are equally effective at their job of Breaking Rocks. it's one of the few areas of mechanical width in mining as it stands, and I would be sad to see it get rolled into one tool that you get by default. that being said, a mining supertool that can switch excavation modes on the fly would be neat, and it'd fit right in if it was added to the locked crate loot table

the current custom mining tool infrastructure /does/ support tool mods, there's just... one of them, I think, and it's prohibitively expensive to actually make. adding more of them and tweaking the price costs to something more rational would be very cool, though I myself don't really have the coding know-how to pull it off

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RE: Miners have too many tools. Condense them into one modular tool. - by Waffleloffle - 05-29-2024, 03:52 PM

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