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The Black Knight (an antag idea)
Most people trying to do gimmick with sword before
I have see Gundum with C-saber , samurai with katana , chainsaw man with chainsaw arm. Poison Ivy with thorn arm. most of them is never need any stuff more than effort and time. So your idea about knight normally happen even there is no role of that now.
Last but not least these antag look like rampage antagonist like other non-human antag that has ability and weird costume or stuff that make people very notice it like obviously antag that tend to be rampage more than interactive.and sword is the gimmick of this antag which is erh contraband stuff. Easy to notice,easily got beat by beebsky. Imagine you become dark knight when spawn next to beebsky and notice you have contraband of C-saber and got arrest at start. Also your main weapon need tool which is sword and what happen if you lost it you screw up.
My conclusion is your idea for antag with sword is cool and many people trying to mimicking it.however in gameplay might not be good to make it happen due to obviously antag.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Black Knight (an antag idea) - by Lefinch - 05-28-2024, 12:12 PM
RE: The Black Knight (an antag idea) - by meaow589 - 05-29-2024, 08:37 AM

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