Carton's Head of Security Application!
Personally, I believe that Carton is not only capable of stepping into the boots, but filling them well. Every time we run into each other, which sadly does not happen too terribly often due to my conflicting sleep schedule, they've been nothing but level headed, friendly, and quite the addition to the department. They always seem more than happy to take time out to assist someone if it's needed, and quite capable as an officer. Unfortunately, I have not been able to really see any teaching from them due to my conflicting schedule, but from what I've seen out of them otherwise, I would not be surprised in the slightest whatsoever if they prove to be quite apt at it. It's just not something I can confirm myself.

In short, I would love to see Carton donning the hat, or beret!

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RE: Carton's Head of Security Application! - by avanth - 05-28-2024, 05:29 AM

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